Even though we are going through something that isn't so great we have found many silver linings. One of them is the amount of time we get to spend as a family. Over the last week Rob didn't have many appointments and I work part time so the other times we get to be together. Our normal life is very busy and we don't get very much time with the 3 of us so this recovery time is a welcomed break. We are trying to enjoy it by getting some stuff done around the house, relaxing, enjoying the nice weather and just being together. When you are faced with a crisis like this you really start to realize what is important in life and things that would drive you crazy before just don't matter. We are thankful for each day we get to enjoy life together and we welcome doing it at a slower pace.
Last Wednesday Rob had his follow up with the plastic surgeon, Dr Hayakawa. He was very happy to see Rob healing so well. His skin graft is now able to be open to the air and he can get it wet. This new skin will burn in the sun very easily and it is still very sensitive so Rob keeps a little cover on it if we are out but when we are at home he is able to just leave it open. Even Isaac thinks it looks cool! His tongue and flap (this is what they call the reconstructed tongue) are looking great and healing well. There is still a lot of swelling but this will take months to really go down. Many people who haven't seen us have been asking if Rob can talk ok and the answer is yes. He talks with a lisp but most of the time you can understand him quite well. Occasionally I have to ask him to repeat himself but as long as it isn't too loud in the room and we are close by he can communicate well. He also had his stoma site looked at, which is where his trach was, and it is healing so well that he only needs a small bandage. This also means that we are not in need of homecare as much. We are in the process of getting discharged from homecare and if Rob needs a bandage changed either I can do it or he will.
While we were at the hospital on Wed we took the opportunity to say thank you to the staff on GH5, the unit where Rob stayed for his 2 weeks in hospital. I had become quite familiar with the way their schedule works so we were able to go on a day when a few of our favourite nurses were working. We brought them a gift basket that I had made and a card just letting them know how wonderful they were and that our experience at the hospital was great because of them. They were thrilled to see how well Rob is doing and said it was a pleasure caring for him. The staff on GH5 will also hold a special place in our hearts!!
We have had lots of people asking about the pathology results and we still do not have them. We were originally told we would have them in 3 weeks but now we heard it sometimes takes 6 weeks. Dr Nason will call us as soon as he receives them but we are not just sitting around waiting for them. It could still be another 2 weeks so continue to pray that the results are good, that the lymph nodes are clear and that they were able to get the whole tumour with clear margins. We both feel peace about waiting and would rather wait and know that the results have been done thoroughly and carefully even if it takes a little longer.
Some more good news is that Rob has started to be able to eat solid foods. I would say he is on a soft minced diet where he is able to eat soft food cut up very small. Basically he needs to place it back in his mouth where he still has tongue but once it is back there he can chew. He was able to enjoy a hotdog wiener the other day....many people would pass up a hotdog but when you haven't tasted meat in over a month a hotdog is delicious. He eats very slowly but is enjoying having some more variety. He often will finish a meal with some soup as chewing is tiring.
Each day we feel God walking alongside us through your prayers, encouragement, meals, cleaning, cards, financial help, and acts of service. We are blessed to be surrounded by a caring community and thank God each day for his blessings. Sometimes you just need to look around you to see the silver lining everyday!!
Love Karen
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