This past week we made some decision for our family that are going to help us through the next season the best we can. One of the big decisions is that I have taken a leave from work. I have been having a more difficult time juggling everything and going to work has been stressful for me. There were many times that I was at work physically but my mind was at home wondering how Rob was feeling. Rob has also told me he doesn't like to be alone lately so where I am needed most right now is with Rob and Isaac. They were very understanding at my work and I am very thankful for that. I will keep in touch with my boss and we will take it month by month. At this point we don't know how things will go with treatment so we will deal with the future when we get there.
The other big change we made this week was Rob started to see a chiropractor that is a maximized living doctor. Dr. Kevin does not promise to heal cancer but he believes that if we make our body as healthy as possible then we have a better chance of fighting the cancer. Some of the ideas seems a little crazy and I am not sure that last spring we would have jumped into it however when the medical doctors give you little hope you are much more willing to try other options. At this point he has gotten a few chiropractic adjustment over the last week and he already can feel a little more mobility in the neck. Tonight we meet with Dr. Kevin to go over some things as well as talk about food. One of the major changes is going to be to change our eating habits. At this point our thought is if there is a chance it will help Rob and it isn't harming him then it is worth a try. The other part of seeing this doctor is feeling like we are doing something to fight this cancer and not just sitting there and letting it take over. In the last week or so there is visible evidence that the tumor on Rob's collarbone is growing which is discouraging and causes Rob to want to do something about it. We continue to pray for healing and that the healthy changes Rob is making as well as starting chemo will shrink the tumor before our eyes.
Last Friday we meet with a doctor who specializes in pain and symptom management. After a very long wait we were pleasantly surprised with the time the doctor took to be with us. He had already read Rob's medical chart and knew what had happened over the last year. He was very attentive as we described Rob's pain and came up with an action plan. He has increased the pain killers Rob is taking and told us there are many more options to look at if this doesn't work. Please pray that we can figure something out that works well for Rob and that he can have some relief from pain. Over the last week there have been times where his pain has been more manageable but he is still in constant pain and it affects his quality of life. We are thankful for this doctor and will have a follow up with him next week to see how things are going.
This morning we went to cancer care for Rob to get a picc line put in. Last time he had chemo he was able to do it with just an IV put in each time. This time he will be sent home for 5 days with a pump that is giving him continuous drugs for 96 hours so an IV is not allowed. Getting the picc was a little difficult but the nurse managed to get it in on his left arm! This made Rob very happy because if he feels good over the next few weeks he will still be able to go out and play disc golf. Tomorrow chemo begins and it will be a long 18 weeks of treatment (although we are taking some time to take our trip to BC!!). This morning going back up to the 3rd floor of Cancer Care felt like de ja vu. We are praying that the side effects are minimal but the treatment does even more then the doctors think possible and it gets rid of the cancer for good. We know the reality of what the doctors at Cancer Care have told us but we keep positive because we have hope and we trust in the Healer of all! Sometimes it is when the doctors say there is nothing more to do that God steps in and does a miracle.
This past weekend a good friend of ours took some family pictures of us. It was a beautiful evening and we were able to have a good time and get some great shots. Here is a sneak peak of a few of them. We are very thankful that we could do these and will cherish these smiles.

Last night as we read a devotion together Isaiah 41:10 really spoke to us. It says, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
God is with us and is surrounding us with an army of prayer warriors. In the moments we feel that we can't do this anymore or that we feel alone in this we are reminded by your words, cards, gifts, meals, and most importantly prayers that we are not alone at all and that we can do this. Even through hard times God is with us and because of that we have hope and joy.
Love Karen