Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Not the news we wanted to hear.

Yesterday we went to see Dr. Nason to get the results of the MRI.  The appointment was not until 3:30pm but I was feeling completely calm and relaxed about it and was convinced we were going to get good news.  Unfortunately we did not get the good news I was convinced we were going to hear.  Dr Nason came in and told us right away that the MRI was showing similar spots that the CT had shown and it was concerning.  The MRI shows more details then the CT and it was not ruling out that the suspicious spot could be a recurrent tumor and might not just be from the surgery a few weeks ago.  The other thing the MRI showed was the spot on Rob's collarbone that is very painful, swollen and hard was presenting like a lymph node that could have metastasized.  Given the location of this spot they were able to do a needle biopsy right away to test the cells.

So we left the appointment yesterday will more questions and concerns then we came with.  The team of doctors and specialists need to meet to put all the pieces together and discuss what the best treatment plan is and what all of this means.  On Thursday morning this week the whole team will meet to look at all of Rob's films as well they will have the needle biopsy results.  We have so many questions and so many scenarios are running through our heads.  I have imagined being told it is nothing serious or the worse possible case and everything between.  We have an appointment on Thursday morning to hear what the team has discussed. 

Last night Rob and I were sitting on the couch quietly and I asked Rob what was going through his mind.  He quickly said he was thinking that God is good.  In that moment even I questioned his response but very quickly changed my thinking.  Life doesn't always go as we think it should but I guarantee that there are always blessings to be counted and evidence of God.  We are scared and do not know what the future holds but we do know the God is good. 

Please pray
 -for a miracle and for complete healing for Rob.  I pray each day that we get to share a long life together here on earth. 
-that the needle biopsy comes back clear of cancer. 
-for relief of pain for Rob. 
-that the spot in his mouth is not a recurrent tumor. 
-for peace and strength.
-that God would be glorified through this tough journey

I will do my best to update you on the results on Thursday.
Love Karen

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