Friday, 20 November 2015


I am not even sure where to begin this post.  The week started off not great and it ended in the worst possible way.  We were told some not so good news on Tuesday but wanted to wait until we met with the doctor today.  After the CT scan that was done on Tuesday and the doctors met to discuss Rob the conclusion is the worst possible option.  Basically the swelling and pain Rob has been experiencing is from the cancer spreading.  The scan shows that the cancer is spreading not only where we see the swelling but also behind his chest bone.  The biggest concern is that it is growing very close to his airways and starting to press on it.  The other concern is that it is close to some main arteries and that could cause major problems.  Surgery or radiation are not options anymore and chemo isn't working so they are stopping treatment.  Rob is going to be placed in palliative care meaning they will manage his symptoms instead of trying to control the disease.  We were told today that if Rob lived 3-4 months it would be a miracle.  We are devastated and can hardly believe this is true. 

Over the last few days we have been talking about the possibility of going elsewhere for natural treatment that is not offered in Manitoba.  Dr Gordon told us that flying would be a very risky thing and there is a chance that wherever we go we may get stuck there and not be able to fly back to Winnipeg.  We do not want this is happen so we are staying put.  We have not decided yet if we are going to continue the natural treatments here.  Rob sometimes feels like he wants to continue to fight but other times he feels that being at peace and enjoying the time he has left is better.  Please pray for wisdom and discernment regarding this.

We sat down today and told Isaac that sometimes Jesus doesn't answer our prayers how we want.  We said that daddy isn't getting better and that he might be going to heaven soon.  Rob and I were both crying at this point and Isaac had a good cry too.  It just breaks my heart to see him as a 5-year-old have to process this.  We reminded him how much we love him and that God will look after us no matter what.  Later in the evening he said to Rob that it is OK if he goes to heaven because he will always be in our hearts.   What a wise thing for a 5-year-old to say!  Pray for Isaac that he can understand and process everything and that he never forgets that no matter what happens that God loves us. 

We are broken and weary but we will never stop praying for a miracle.  I do not want Rob to live in pain and have often wondered if he would be better off in heaven where there is no more pain and sorrow.  No one knows how many days we have but we are going to make the best of whatever time we have left with the 3 of us together. 

Love Karen


  1. I have no words. You are in my thoughts and prayers constantly. Peace be with you

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. God Bless you Karen,

    I am a work colleague of Victoria; Tyler’s girlfriend .She was telling me a story of what your family has been going though. I am sorry to hear that you are facing some very challenging times. May the Lord almighty God, the first born of the dead, the begging and the end, the conqueror of sickness and death may he continue be with you and your family in this difficult time.
    I just wanted to write you this little story. I know you do not have much time I will keep it brief, My dear mother got involved in a car accident few years ago, she was hurt badly and no doctor gave her a chance to live but our God did. No matter what the doctor says, continue on holding to the everlasting promise of God for He gives us authority over sickness, death etc….
    It was amazing to hear what Isaac said, for as many adults will never have the same faith Isaac proved there. As Jobs said: "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart, The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised”
    As Lazarus Sister (Martha) said to Jesus, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died. 22 But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask. My sister continues on believing and God going to grant you according to your desire and faith in your heart. It shall once again be for the glory of His Kingdom for ever and ever “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. For you are a child of the King and you pause all by faith.

    God comfort your family,

  4. We may not understand God's reason but we must remember our bodies are temporary like the mist in the morning. The only comfort we may have is knowing we have Jesus on our side and nothing is impossible with God either. I pray for your husband to be comforted and to believe God has this in his hands. We must trust our Father in heaven in everything we do as much it may be painful to any circumstances in our life that may be happening. We will all face the sting of death but then we get to see's truly amazing with those that believe in Jesus but sadly many die without knowing our Lord. I pray for your family and be comforted knowing God has this in control. May God bless and pray he may get healed. Trust in God in everything..he will wipe our tears of weariness in our lifes.

  5. I read this post with tears in my eyes. We are praying for all 3 of you. In the midst of this difficult journey, may you all sense God's peace.

  6. I am so sadden to hear that your family has to go through this!! My father was diagnosed with lung cancer, after surgery they still found in his lymph nodes and he was on chemo, it almost killed him and he said no more. He read a book by Ty Bollinger cancer step outside the box. He began taking the baking soda and pure maple syrup daily, and asparagus. I am to understand that the maple syrup attracts the cancer and baking soda kills it. He Changed his diet and He was completely free of Cancer! It worked for him and many others, just wanted to pass that info on. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, God Bless.
