When I woke up yesterday I had no idea what was in store for our day and it is a day I wish I could rewind and make different. Before 8:30am we got a call from Pam, Dr Nason's nurse, she said that Dr Nason needed to see Rob that morning and we should come as soon as we could. So we had been planning for Rob to start work with the students that day but instead we headed straight to Cancar Care. We were brought right through to a room and waited for a few minutes. Dr Nason came in shortly after and told us what we had feared and didn't want to hear. He had received the results from the needle biopsy the evening before and he didn't like what it said. Basically the cells were atypical, meaning they were abnormal. Dr Nason looked more into the report and feels that the type of cells he saw are tumour cells. He also looked again at Rob's pathology from the surgery and the whole tumour had been removed and all the lymph nodes were clear, so it appears this is another tumour. He said he doesn't like what he sees and something needs to be done immediately. At this point he is thinking that the team will agree that radiation alongside oral chemotherapy will be the way to go. Surgery is not out of the question but it is not a first choice based on where it is located. Today Rob had a CT scan done which will give the team a better picture of the size and location. Next Thursday his case will be discussed at the Head and Neck Consult and we will meet with Dr Nason afterwards to talk about what the team thinks is the best option. Dr Nason is 90% sure that they will agree on radiation and chemo but we will know more next week.
As you can imagine we are shocked and scared. It felt like we were just going to be getting back to "normal" and now it feels like we are starting all over again. Rob is now not going to be able to go back to work. Within a few weeks of treatment he will be too exhausted to work and will likely be off for at least 3 more months.
Please pray for Rob and I as well as Isaac as we process the news and deal with more unknowns. Pray the CT Scan shows that the cells are not cancerous. We know God can heal Rob and that he can even change what the tests results showed so pray with us in Jesus name that there is no more cancer in Rob's body. Pray for complete healing for Rob. Pray for peace for all of us and that God would be real to us.
Love Karen
Oh dear. Definitely praying here in PA. Thank you for keeping us posted. Praying for peace and healing, and protection for your sweet boy. Love the Sattesons