Yesterday was a long day and we were told a lot of information. In the morning before we arrived the team of professionals that work with head and neck cancer patients met to discuss the cases. This gives them a chance to see the big picture and to make a treatment plan together. We met with Dr.Nason after the conference was done and he gave us all the details. The lump on Rob's chin is actually cancerous lymph nodes and there are possibly more than just one. He explained that we all have 150-300 lymph nodes in our necks. During Rob's initial surgery they took out about 30 to test. They decide which ones to take based on previous experience with other patients and anatomically how it would naturally spread. The 30 lymph nodes they tested of Rob's were all clear and showed no abnormalities. In most cases there is a 10% chance that after having the lymph nodes testing clear that you will have one with cancer later....unfortunately Rob is in that 10%. It isn't that they missed the lymph nodes before, it is just that it would have been so microscopic that they didn't see it. Having the cancer in the lymph nodes is better surgically speaking however the lymphatic system goes through the whole body and is a way that cancer can easily spread. The team decided that right now surgery is the best option. Dr.Nason and Dr.Pathak will perform the surgery to remove the lymph nodes that are showing abnormalities. We need a lot of prayer for the surgery because a second surgery in the same area is not as predictable and there is the chance for many complications. Best case is they remove the lymph nodes with no problems and stitch him back together. However, there could be problems with interrupting the blood supply to the flap (the new tongue), causing the flap to have to be re done, not being able to remove the lymph nodes, complications if it is too close to the jaw and even if they have to remove skin from his chin that he would need another skin graft. The surgery will be happening next Friday September 19th and we ask that you would cover it with prayer. Rob has gone through so much already and it would be a huge answer to our prayers if the surgery wasn't full of complications.
Before the surgery they will be doing another MRI to get a better picture of the tissue for the surgery. We are basically on call 24/7 right now and they will call when they have a cancellation or no show and we will have very little time to get there. They are also going to do a CT scan of the chest to make sure nothing has spread. The lymph nodes would spread to the lungs and chest first so they want to check before surgery.
To be sure nothing is missed again this time Rob will also be having radiation and chemo. This will begin about 4 weeks after surgery and last for just less then 2 months. We have been told some details and side effects with that but we are focusing on surgery right now and will look more into that when the time comes.
Rob will be off work for approximately another 6-9 months recovering. Every person responds differently so exact timing is hard to say but we know that he will be extremely tired and he will need time to get back on his feet.
Yesterday afternoon after we left cancer care we just needed to do something fun and forget about everything. Sometimes all we are dealing with feels much too heavy to bare and it is easier to forget about. Isaac was well cared for with Grandma and Grandpa so we were able to spend the afternoon together. We had a nice lunch out and then did some shopping and errands. Around dinner time we headed to get Isaac and had supper with Rob's parents. It was really nice to have a nice home cooked meal and to not have to think about preparing it myself.
As we left Rob's parents place there were some dark clouds in the sky and even some rain but also the sun was shining. For those who know me you know that the thing in nature that I love the most that God created is a rainbow. As we came around the corner we saw the biggest most beautiful rainbow. We could see the entire thing end to end and it was amazing!! It felt like God put it there just for us to remind us that he will never forget about us and that he cares for his children. In Genesis God sends a rainbow as a reminder of the promise that he will never completely destroy us. In that moment, and after the tough days, weeks, months that we have had it was a reminder that God is good and he hears our prayers. Even thinking about that rainbow makes me smile and I am so thankful it.
Here are the things we need specific prayers for...
-Surgery on Friday- that they remove the lymph nodes they need to with no problems, that there would be no further complications and that Rob would heal quickly
-That Rob would get a scheduled MRI appointment before surgery
-CT of chest is totally clear and shows no signs of spreading
-For our family to have some good time together this week while Rob is still feeling good
-For peace and strength....we need a lot of it!
Thank you for all the prayers.
Love Karen
my heart is heavy for you and with you. You are in my thoughts and prayers
ReplyDeleteOur thoughts and prayers are with you guys this week for total success with the surgery.
ReplyDeleteNorm & Lynn Gauthier