Saturday, 10 May 2014

Kissable lips!

If someone had told me that I might be able to enjoy spending all day at a hospital I would have said not a chance but today and yesterday I can truly say they were good days!  Rob has been doing well and the doctors are very pleased with his recovery so far.  He still has a lot of work to do to get back to "normal" but he is moving the right direction.  We were told Rob would be in hospital for 2 weeks after surgery.  I find I have to remind myself that after 2 weeks he can come home but that doesn't mean he will be all better....that takes 3 months, which is why he will be off work that long.  We just go day by day at this point and feel encouraged!

Rob has been getting up for walks a few times a day and he tries to go a little further each day.  Today he made it to the end of his unit and went all the way out to the elevators.  Isaac came for a little visit again today and Rob wanted to go for a family walk.  We even got a few pictures of it but it wouldn't let me upload them on here like we had hoped.  As always, it was nice to be together even if it was just a short walk in the hospital. 

The swelling in Rob's face and lips has gone down a lot in the last 2 days even to the point that I could kiss his lips!  He was able to smile today too!  Everything is worth celebrating right!?  This is helping him feel more comfortable and he is able to close his mouth now. 

Yesterday we felt very blessed by our church family.  On the day of Rob's surgery, there was a group of people praying from 7am-12pm at our church.  Many people stopped in on their way to work for a quick prayer and some stayed for hours.  We were told it was a very moving time.  Our pastor came to visit us and brought a book that everyone who attended that morning has signed.  As Rob rested, I read each note and cried the whole time.  They were tears of happiness and just being overwhelmed by the love and support we have received from those around us.  We also received an incredible gift from a group of people who care about us and just wanted to do something for us.  I was telling Rob's nurse today about all of the blessings we have received and she was blown away.  It is hard to believe that some people do not have friends and family around them and have to make this journey alone.  Thank you to all of you for taking this journey with us. 

Rob was able to get rid of one tube today!  One of his IV's got partially pulled out so they removed it and didn't out it back in!!  Monday will hopefully be a big day too.  If over the weekend everything progresses as it has been, they may remove the drain tubes and the staples.  They are also going to take the dressing off the skin graft on his arm and see how it is doing.  Depending what stage it is at in healing will change what they do with it next. 

Isaac is doing well through all of this.  He has been spending time with family and friends who love him dearly and although he talks about missing mommy and daddy he is well cared for.  Today when he was at the hospital he all of the sudden looked at Rob and said " I love you daddy" which I know made Rob's day.  I look forward to having Rob back at home so I don't have to chose which of my boys I am with.

God is good and we know he is looking after us.  I think the only way you can take a bad situation like this and be able to see the good and enjoy parts of it is because of God's grace. 
Love Karen

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on all the progress! Hoping every small step leads to a full recovery.
