Tomorrow is surgery day...Part of us are thrilled it is finally here and Rob can begin the road to recovery. On the other hand, we are anxious and scared about how it will go. We have to be at the hospital at 5:45 am and surgery will start at 7:30 am. The surgery will last approximately 8 hours and then he will be in recovery for a few hours. I am not sure at what point I will get to see him but I know it will be a long day. We met with our surgeon today and went over a few more details. Tomorrow as Rob is in surgery, we have some very specific prayer requests. Please pray:
- That there would be a clear margin around the tumor and they would not have to remove any jaw bone
- That the tumor would have a defined border and that it can all be removed by surgery
- That the cancer has not spread to the lymph nodes
- That the flap (skin from Rob's thigh) would successfully attach to the tongue that is not removed
- For Dr. Nason and his team for wisdom and endurance during the 8 hour surgery
-For peace and patience for me while I wait.
-For a quick and full recovery.
-That God's hand would be in every part of our day.
Thank you again for all your prayers, love and support. I honestly can't imagine going through something like this with out a community surrounding you and without faith in a God who heals and loves us.
Since Rob's recovery will be difficult without the ability to talk we ask that he doesn't have visitors for the first while. I will let you know when he is up for short visits.
Love Karen
Praying already!!
ReplyDeleteMarni & Greg
Praying for all of you today and for the road ahead.
ReplyDeleteArvid & Ruth