Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Throwing cancer in the garbage.

This morning I got a text from a friend with what her son had said this morning after he heard Rob's surgery had gone well..  This is what he said, " I am happy they took his cancer away, did they throw the cancer in the garbage? Because that is where it should be, not in my Uncle Rob. Auntie Karen should kiss him on his forehead because that is where I would because his mouth is probably sore." 
Such a simple thought from a kid but so true!  We do want to throw the cancer in the garbage and it shouldn't be in Rob and I did kiss him on the forehead lots today!

I wanted to be at the hospital today for rounds but was told they could start as early as 6:30am so after the long day yesterday I decided I wasn't going that early.  It worked out well because about 8:30am Dr Nason called me after he had gone into to see Rob.  He said that Rob was doing well and things were moving along as they should. He reassured me that the swelling was normal and that Rob was doing well.

When I arrived at the hospital just after 9am the nurses were in with Rob.  He had just vomited and they were cleaning him up.  After he vomited a second time they gave him some gravol and then realized the feeding tube wasn't quite working right.  There was even talk of removing it and putting in a new one.  This is not something that is fun when you are awake.  After more than a few nurses came to take a look, trying many tricks, one nurse finally moved it out and in a little and it solved the problem!  After that it worked as it should and there was no more vomiting.  One very specific prayer request is that the feeding tube would not bother Rob.  This tube is causing some discomfort for Rob but it is a very important tube so it has to stay in.  Please pray that he doesn't even feel it.

Rob's biggest hurdle that he passed today was sitting up in a chair for over an hour.  Because he is young they are encouraging him to get up and moving as soon as he is able.  It was nice to see him sitting up and he said it was good to move off the bed.  The next step will be to start walking!

I always said when I was young that I wanted to be a nurse but science was not my favourite subject so I never pursued it.  Today I got to be a nurse for Rob.  Don't get me wrong his nurse today was wonderful but I enjoy being able to help him with some of the simple things.  One of the most frustrating parts of this all is that Rob can't talk and tell me what he needs.  He uses a white board and writes words or gives signals but sometimes it is still difficult. 

I was able to come home this evening for a bit to eat dinner and see Isaac for a bit.  I went back to the hospital just before 7pm so that Rob and I could watch Survivor together....something we do every week.  It was nice to sit and enjoy something we both enjoy and just pretend everything is normal. 

I think if you asked Rob how he was doing that he would say he is doing awful because he still feels so bad.  If you asked me that same question I would say he is doing amazing.  No one said recovery was easy or fast but instead difficult and slow.  It is amazing to think that yesterday he had 12 hours of surgery and 24 hours later he had made many steps on the road to recovery.  Hope tomorrow beings more steps in the right direction. 
Good night!  Love Karen

1 comment:

  1. He is a courageous and strong person! I love you Rob!
