I am still feeling simply amazed by last weekend (if you are reading this and haven't read the last blog go back and read it!). On Monday evening we went out shopping for a new dishwasher. We decided to go to Sears and figured it would be an easy purchase. We need to have a portable dishwasher because there is no plumbing in the wall where it sits so this means that there is very little selection. After looking at our options we settled on the one that seemed the best and quickly found out that it could not be delivered until January 12th. None of us felt good about that and we didn't have a good feeling about the whole process there so we decided to leave and headed to Home Depot. We headed straight to the appliance department and after a few minutes we were greeted by a man who we now refer to as Home Depot Dean. We explained what we were looking for and Amy told him the whole story about how this all came about. Well Home Depot Dean did not disappoint us! He was able to get us the same dishwasher that we were looking at Sears for a cheaper price. He told us the only bad news was that we would have to pick it up. I said not to worry and figured after a few phone calls I would be able to find someone strong with a truck that could help Rob before chemo on Tuesday. On Thursday my cell phone rang and it was Home Depot delivery saying they had my dishwasher and wanted to set up a delivery time. I told him I hadn't paid for delivery but he said I was on the list so they would bring it! To me this was another God thing as we could have arranged to pick it up but it was way easier to have it delivered. So as we speak I am running my old dishwasher for the last time and tomorrow (Monday) afternoon my new one will arrive. It amazes me how God was able to meet a need that I hadn't even said I needed yet. We could have lived without a dishwasher but our kitchen set up isn't ideal for that plus the high heat is better for sanitizing and keeping us all healthy. You just never know how God is going to show up and remind you he is in control and that he loves us. This time he used a stranger from Calgary, my friend and her story, an early morning flight, and a sales associate from Home Depot!
Last weekend was also full of other blessings. It was so good to hang out with my friends and laugh like old times. If you know my friends Shelly and Amy you know that they are hilarious. It is amazing how even though we could be in the middle of a hard time that we could laugh and have a great time together. They also helped with cooking and cleaning which I appreciate so much. I feel grateful to have been able to spend a few days with them and Rob loved having them here too!
Over the past week or so Rob has been having more pain in his mouth. Last week Dr. Butler had a look and thought that maybe he was getting thrush. This is common during radiation but not everyone gets it so they only treat it if needed. This past Thursday when the doctor looked again it seemed to be getting worse and prescribed Rob a mouth wash to use. If they don't deal with it now it could become a problem later. We are praying that the medication works and Rob is relieved from the pain and that we don't have to get a refill as it is very expensive medicine.
This week is going to be a big week for Rob! He has 3 radiation treatments left and will have his last of 33 on Wednesday. I am able to be there on Wednesday with him to celebrate the completion! He also has his last chemo on Tuesday this week so he may not feel much like celebrating but we will still mark the completion and once he is feeling better we will celebrate properly! The chemo usually knocks him pretty hard for 5 days so hopefully next week at this time he will be feeling better from chemo. We have been told that the way radiation works is that it accumulates and his side effects may peak 7 days after the last day of treatment so that means right after he feels better from chemo he will really feel the effects of radiation. The doctors and staff at cancer care are very pleased with how Rob has been during treatment and even though they keep telling us that it will get worse we see a different result. My friend asked me tonight why I thought that is the case. One reason is I think Rob is a tough cookie and although he has bad days and moments he is keeping his chin up. The other reason, and the more important reason, is because of God. To me nothing else makes more sense to explain it than God loves Rob and cares about him and that we have an army of people praying. We know that if we didn't have a relationship with God that we would not be doing as well as we are. Also if we didn't have each of you loving us , blessing us and praying for us we would be in a different situation. Please continue to pray that this week goes as well as it could. We know the next few weeks are going to be tough but we are hopeful that we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Also pray that the treatment gets rid of all of the cancer. Apparently the last few treatments are the most important because they will attack the more stubborn cancer cells. We are asking God to heal Rob completely and even though radiation and chemo are hard if it gets rid of this terrible disease it is worth it.
Being so close to the end means we started to think about what the next step will be. Once he is done treatment this week he will have a few follow up appointments but for the most part December will be time of rest and healing. I can't even remember what it is like to not have a crazy schedule and not have to go to the hospital everyday. In about 6 weeks Rob will have a CT scan to get a base line of what is "normal" for him. Then they will monitor him very closely knowing the first year is the most critical. If some cancer cells were going to grow it would likely happen very quickly and they will keep their eye on that. We don't know all the details yet but there are many things that Rob will need to have done to his mouth to be back to "normal". What we do know is that December will be quiet in regards to appointments and we are thankful for that.
When Rob started his radiation and chemo I remember thinking that 6 1/2 weeks would be so long and I dreaded November. I am thrilled to be starting December and to be looking back at November. It was a hard month for us but we made it through and look forward to getting past this part. Thank you for praying for us over the last while and for continuing to bring our family to God.
Love Karen
Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body will rest secure, because you will not abandon me. Psalm 16:9-10
Sunday, 30 November 2014
Sunday, 23 November 2014
Find A Need and Fill It
This is Amy Koslowski, I like to believe I'm Karen's best friend, but I know there are a few of us that hold that title. I'm from Calgary and am currently in Winnipeg with the Scott's for a visit. I'm thrilled to be here with my friend. Our friend Shelly is here as well and I must admit, I've spent a lot of time laughing with my legs crossed! When we used to hang out in high school, we could laugh without the fear of tears dripping down our legs! Laughter is so healing when life is difficult.
When planning my trip to Winnipeg I wanted to find a cheap flight. I also wanted to have as much time with Karen and Rob as possible. I have a 4 year old daughter and an 8 month old. I couldn't be gone for too long as my 4 year old was going to be staying in Calgary. I chose a flight that arrived in Winnipeg at 8am on Saturday morning. It seemed like a great idea at the time, it gave me the entire day here and the flight was cheaper. I failed to process the reality of getting up at 3am and dragging an 8 month old out of bed to catch my flight.
Yesterday at 3am I rolled out of bed feeling like a crazy woman. I dragged an exhausted baby into a waiting cab and arrived at the airport. Just after 4am I was sitting at my gate, waiting to board my flight. I had Stella on my lap when two women came and sat next to me. The dreaded question came, "is she your first?" This is a difficult question for me, she's actually my third. I chose to answer her question and hoped she wouldn't push the issue. Then it came, "how old are your other two?" There's no way around it, my oldest is 4 and my middle daughter is already in Heaven. My beautiful Hope Taylor will never experience more than her 1st birthday on earth. I always smile while explaining, trying to keep people from feeling bad about asking. I do love to talk about her and it doesn't offend me. It's more the awkwardness of feeling their tension and the regret I feel they have for talking to me.
When the moment passed, she asked why I was headed to Winnipeg. I explained that I was coming to visit my best friend as her husband was going through chemo. I told her that myself and another friend were coming to do some cooking, make her smile and try to help out around the house. As I walked onto the plane, I kept thinking, "why did I tell her so much about my life?" I felt awkward about being an 'over-sharer'.
I sat on the plane waiting for everyone to board and the woman I had been chatting with popped into the seat beside me. She said, "I know this will sound weird, but my husband and I have been praying about some money we want to do something with. After talking to you, I'd really like to give it to your friend." I smiled and explained that it didn't sound weird at all, I told her that I was a Christian and I thought that her gift would be a great blessing to my friends. I gave her my phone number and email address and she got up to find her own seat. She never told me how much they wanted to give and I never asked.
I shared this story with Karen when I arrived and she was touched to hear about a stranger that would take the time to care. Then the whirlwind of all the things we wanted to accomplish began and I didn't think much of it. As I was doing things in the kitchen, I noticed Karen was washing almost everything in the sink. She explained that their old dishwasher wasn't working very well anymore and they needed a new one, but couldn't afford it. In my naturally sarcastic and slightly cocky way, I joked that I would find a way to solve her problem.
This morning in church the sermon was about service. The speaker specifically said that we need to find a need and fill it. I enjoy serving others and began thinking of needs that I could fill. Then later this evening as we sat watching a tv show, my cell phone pinged as an email arrived. I opened the email and found a message from the stranger in the airport. I just looked up and smiled at my friends. They asked me what was going on and in great delight, I was able to tell them that it was time to go shopping. Tomorrow we're going to go out and replace that old dishwasher for Karen and Rob. The amazing thing is, the people who paid for the dishwasher will likely never meet Karen or Rob and have no idea how amazing this gift is.
Sanitizing dishes and keeping things clean is really important when someone is going through chemo. This dishwasher is about more than convenience for the Scott's and being able to see this need met, before the need was truly voiced, has been amazing.
Our God is amazing and I am reminded once again of what a great and mighty God we serve. I feel so blessed to have been a part of God's plan. Thank you Calgary stranger, you were worth getting up at 3am for. She may never read this and know what she's done, but she has blessed not only this family, but those that will hear the story as well.
This morning as I got ready, I kept thinking about how positive the Scott's have chosen to be. I am so blessed to call them friends. God never promised that life would be easy and full of good times. He does promise to give us strength each day and to love us unconditionally. His love is enough. Seeing my friends walk through a journey that is not easy, that carries a great deal of unknowns and one that doesn't seem fair...I am reminded again that God is enough. That is their foundation and the source of their joy. I will leave encouraged on Tuesday.
When planning my trip to Winnipeg I wanted to find a cheap flight. I also wanted to have as much time with Karen and Rob as possible. I have a 4 year old daughter and an 8 month old. I couldn't be gone for too long as my 4 year old was going to be staying in Calgary. I chose a flight that arrived in Winnipeg at 8am on Saturday morning. It seemed like a great idea at the time, it gave me the entire day here and the flight was cheaper. I failed to process the reality of getting up at 3am and dragging an 8 month old out of bed to catch my flight.
Yesterday at 3am I rolled out of bed feeling like a crazy woman. I dragged an exhausted baby into a waiting cab and arrived at the airport. Just after 4am I was sitting at my gate, waiting to board my flight. I had Stella on my lap when two women came and sat next to me. The dreaded question came, "is she your first?" This is a difficult question for me, she's actually my third. I chose to answer her question and hoped she wouldn't push the issue. Then it came, "how old are your other two?" There's no way around it, my oldest is 4 and my middle daughter is already in Heaven. My beautiful Hope Taylor will never experience more than her 1st birthday on earth. I always smile while explaining, trying to keep people from feeling bad about asking. I do love to talk about her and it doesn't offend me. It's more the awkwardness of feeling their tension and the regret I feel they have for talking to me.
When the moment passed, she asked why I was headed to Winnipeg. I explained that I was coming to visit my best friend as her husband was going through chemo. I told her that myself and another friend were coming to do some cooking, make her smile and try to help out around the house. As I walked onto the plane, I kept thinking, "why did I tell her so much about my life?" I felt awkward about being an 'over-sharer'.
I sat on the plane waiting for everyone to board and the woman I had been chatting with popped into the seat beside me. She said, "I know this will sound weird, but my husband and I have been praying about some money we want to do something with. After talking to you, I'd really like to give it to your friend." I smiled and explained that it didn't sound weird at all, I told her that I was a Christian and I thought that her gift would be a great blessing to my friends. I gave her my phone number and email address and she got up to find her own seat. She never told me how much they wanted to give and I never asked.
I shared this story with Karen when I arrived and she was touched to hear about a stranger that would take the time to care. Then the whirlwind of all the things we wanted to accomplish began and I didn't think much of it. As I was doing things in the kitchen, I noticed Karen was washing almost everything in the sink. She explained that their old dishwasher wasn't working very well anymore and they needed a new one, but couldn't afford it. In my naturally sarcastic and slightly cocky way, I joked that I would find a way to solve her problem.
This morning in church the sermon was about service. The speaker specifically said that we need to find a need and fill it. I enjoy serving others and began thinking of needs that I could fill. Then later this evening as we sat watching a tv show, my cell phone pinged as an email arrived. I opened the email and found a message from the stranger in the airport. I just looked up and smiled at my friends. They asked me what was going on and in great delight, I was able to tell them that it was time to go shopping. Tomorrow we're going to go out and replace that old dishwasher for Karen and Rob. The amazing thing is, the people who paid for the dishwasher will likely never meet Karen or Rob and have no idea how amazing this gift is.
Sanitizing dishes and keeping things clean is really important when someone is going through chemo. This dishwasher is about more than convenience for the Scott's and being able to see this need met, before the need was truly voiced, has been amazing.
Our God is amazing and I am reminded once again of what a great and mighty God we serve. I feel so blessed to have been a part of God's plan. Thank you Calgary stranger, you were worth getting up at 3am for. She may never read this and know what she's done, but she has blessed not only this family, but those that will hear the story as well.
This morning as I got ready, I kept thinking about how positive the Scott's have chosen to be. I am so blessed to call them friends. God never promised that life would be easy and full of good times. He does promise to give us strength each day and to love us unconditionally. His love is enough. Seeing my friends walk through a journey that is not easy, that carries a great deal of unknowns and one that doesn't seem fair...I am reminded again that God is enough. That is their foundation and the source of their joy. I will leave encouraged on Tuesday.
Thursday, 20 November 2014
Single Digits!
It is hard for me to believe that we are nearing the end of November. We started this month knowing that the whole month would include almost daily treatments and hours spent at Cancer Care. I am happy to report that we are into the single digits for radiation and one round of chemo left. Isaac very happily erased number 10 (which is his favourite number!) from the countdown today. Only 9 left!!! Since radiation is cumulative it means that the end is the hardest but it is so good to be getting close to the end of his treatment.
Last week was very busy and is the reason I haven't done an update in awhile. The week of chemo means many more appointments and time at the hospital. Plus I was working last week so scheduling was complicated and very busy. We are very happy to have round 2 of chemo done. It was a tougher round I would say. Rob had very little appetite and was very tired for about 5 days. It wasn`t until Monday that he was really starting to feel like himself again. Not only is the chemo and anti nausea drugs hard on your physical body, it also affects your mind and your thoughts. It is often called ``chemo brain`` and I can attest to the fact it exists. It is almost like Rob gets a fog in his brain and he isn`t able to make simple decisions and can even have thoughts that he normally would not have. I know it is tough on Rob to feel this way and it is also hard for Isaac and I and we are glad when Rob gets out of the fog. He has one more round the first week of December and it will likely be the toughest however it is the last one and we will celebrate that.
The side effects of radiation are building up and Rob is seeing a lot of change in his mouth and neck. The skin on his neck looks like it has a sun burn but he is keeping it moisturized with special lotion and it is helping it from being painful and breaking down. The inside of his mouth is getting very sore and bleeds. It takes Rob a lot of time after he eats anything to clean his mouth. He also wakes up in the night and had to clear the phlegm. This is all normal for treatment but it is not fun at all especially since he doesn't have a normal working tongue. That all being said the pain is manageable and Rob is not taking any pain meds at this time. We know that the last 9 treatments will be tough and he will feel the effects for a few weeks after but if it gets rid of the cancer it is all worth it.
Today we asked some questions about what happens after treatment. We were told that about 6 weeks after everything is done he will have either a CT scan or an MRI and that will be used as the base line. He will be followed very carefully and regularly and the first year is the most critical. If something were to come back it would likely grow very quickly and they would know within the first year. We continue to ask for God to heal Rob completely and that the cancer would be gone from his body and never come back.
Rob will also have a long recovery from the surgeries and reconstruction he has had. We are not sure what it will look like exactly but a lot needs to happen before he is able to return to work. The main thing being his speech. At this point the focus has been on the radiation and chemo so we will wait and see what is next.
Many have been asking how I am healing up from my surgery and I am happy to say things are good. I have been on light duties at work for 3 weeks to make sure I didn`t damage anything internally before it was healed. Next week I will go back to my regular duties at work and I am sure that as long as I ease into it, I will be good. Now that I don`t have an appendix at least I never have to worry about lower right abdominal pain again!!!
This weekend my friend Amy from Calgary and her baby Stella, as well as my friend Shelly from Peterborough are coming for a few days. They are coming to distract us and help us out around the house. I can not wait to see them and look forward to some good times with old friends. I am sure Rob will need some quiet time after they leave but he will enjoy their company too.
Today at my doctors office the receptionist made a comment to me about how amazing she thinks we are and that we are so young but dealing with everything so well. I was able to tell her that we believe in a God who heals and we have amazing support and that is why we can face this and still smile. Thank you for all the support, love and prayers.
Love Karen
Last week was very busy and is the reason I haven't done an update in awhile. The week of chemo means many more appointments and time at the hospital. Plus I was working last week so scheduling was complicated and very busy. We are very happy to have round 2 of chemo done. It was a tougher round I would say. Rob had very little appetite and was very tired for about 5 days. It wasn`t until Monday that he was really starting to feel like himself again. Not only is the chemo and anti nausea drugs hard on your physical body, it also affects your mind and your thoughts. It is often called ``chemo brain`` and I can attest to the fact it exists. It is almost like Rob gets a fog in his brain and he isn`t able to make simple decisions and can even have thoughts that he normally would not have. I know it is tough on Rob to feel this way and it is also hard for Isaac and I and we are glad when Rob gets out of the fog. He has one more round the first week of December and it will likely be the toughest however it is the last one and we will celebrate that.
The side effects of radiation are building up and Rob is seeing a lot of change in his mouth and neck. The skin on his neck looks like it has a sun burn but he is keeping it moisturized with special lotion and it is helping it from being painful and breaking down. The inside of his mouth is getting very sore and bleeds. It takes Rob a lot of time after he eats anything to clean his mouth. He also wakes up in the night and had to clear the phlegm. This is all normal for treatment but it is not fun at all especially since he doesn't have a normal working tongue. That all being said the pain is manageable and Rob is not taking any pain meds at this time. We know that the last 9 treatments will be tough and he will feel the effects for a few weeks after but if it gets rid of the cancer it is all worth it.
Today we asked some questions about what happens after treatment. We were told that about 6 weeks after everything is done he will have either a CT scan or an MRI and that will be used as the base line. He will be followed very carefully and regularly and the first year is the most critical. If something were to come back it would likely grow very quickly and they would know within the first year. We continue to ask for God to heal Rob completely and that the cancer would be gone from his body and never come back.
Rob will also have a long recovery from the surgeries and reconstruction he has had. We are not sure what it will look like exactly but a lot needs to happen before he is able to return to work. The main thing being his speech. At this point the focus has been on the radiation and chemo so we will wait and see what is next.
Many have been asking how I am healing up from my surgery and I am happy to say things are good. I have been on light duties at work for 3 weeks to make sure I didn`t damage anything internally before it was healed. Next week I will go back to my regular duties at work and I am sure that as long as I ease into it, I will be good. Now that I don`t have an appendix at least I never have to worry about lower right abdominal pain again!!!
This weekend my friend Amy from Calgary and her baby Stella, as well as my friend Shelly from Peterborough are coming for a few days. They are coming to distract us and help us out around the house. I can not wait to see them and look forward to some good times with old friends. I am sure Rob will need some quiet time after they leave but he will enjoy their company too.
Today at my doctors office the receptionist made a comment to me about how amazing she thinks we are and that we are so young but dealing with everything so well. I was able to tell her that we believe in a God who heals and we have amazing support and that is why we can face this and still smile. Thank you for all the support, love and prayers.
Love Karen
Sunday, 9 November 2014
Round 2 of Chemo
This week was a quieter week for appointments. Rob had radiation every day and is getting the hang of going to Cancer Care each day. He has now completed 15 out of 33 radiation treatments!! Each week on the weekend we have a look at how the upcoming week looks and plan out who is driving, when I am working and where Isaac will be. As you can imagine this is sometimes quite complicated but with help from family and friends we are managing well.
Rob had a follow up with Dr Butler, Radiation Oncologist, and Dr Sharma, Medical Oncologist this week. Both are pleased with how Rob is doing so far and his blood work from having chemo seems to be going back to normal and he will be able to have his second round. They both looked in his mouth and are really starting to notice changes but say they are normal and have lots of pointers to help out. Rob had his weekly appointment with the Dietician, Gina and she was thrilled because Rob gained weight this past week!! After chemo last round he didn't eat much for a few days and lost some weight so over the past 2 weeks he has been trying to gain it back and had success! Even with a sore mouth and not always wanting to eat it is very important to keep his nutrition up and stay hydrated because that will help his body recover from the drugs he is being given.
This week we decided to bring Isaac along with us one day when there were some shorter appointments. We didn't bring him because we couldn't find someone to look after him but because we thought it would be good for him to see where Rob comes each day. He did awesome and the doctors and other staff were so welcoming to him. That is one of the great things about Cancer Care...they care about the patient but also about the support team around them. Isaac is a huge support to Rob and the staff would know this. I am sure based on his time there that Isaac will gladly come back again plus now he knows what Daddy is busy doing each day. It was a win/win for everyone!
We are heading into this week of chemo with a little more knowledge of what to expect but this can be both a good and a bad thing. We know what is coming in the next few days but some of those things are not great. Rob had manageable side effects last round but he definitely wasn't himself for a few days. It will be a tougher week for sure but we will take it day by day. We know that by the end of the week he will be through the worst and will only have one more round left. Treatment day is on Tuesday and then he will have hydration on Wednesday and Thursday and help his kidneys flush the extra,
Back in September one of my girls that I mentored at my old church sent me an email to encourage me. It came at the perfect time and I cherish the words she wrote. She also shared 2 verses with me and I have read them many times since then. One of them was Zephaniah 3:17 which says, "For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty Savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With His love, He will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful song." What a reassurance it is for us that God cares enough about our family that he takes away all the fears we have with his love. He loves us so much that he gave his Son to die on the cross and take away our sins. This is the reason we can face each day with a joyful heart and even through tough times we have hope.
Love Karen
Rob had a follow up with Dr Butler, Radiation Oncologist, and Dr Sharma, Medical Oncologist this week. Both are pleased with how Rob is doing so far and his blood work from having chemo seems to be going back to normal and he will be able to have his second round. They both looked in his mouth and are really starting to notice changes but say they are normal and have lots of pointers to help out. Rob had his weekly appointment with the Dietician, Gina and she was thrilled because Rob gained weight this past week!! After chemo last round he didn't eat much for a few days and lost some weight so over the past 2 weeks he has been trying to gain it back and had success! Even with a sore mouth and not always wanting to eat it is very important to keep his nutrition up and stay hydrated because that will help his body recover from the drugs he is being given.
This week we decided to bring Isaac along with us one day when there were some shorter appointments. We didn't bring him because we couldn't find someone to look after him but because we thought it would be good for him to see where Rob comes each day. He did awesome and the doctors and other staff were so welcoming to him. That is one of the great things about Cancer Care...they care about the patient but also about the support team around them. Isaac is a huge support to Rob and the staff would know this. I am sure based on his time there that Isaac will gladly come back again plus now he knows what Daddy is busy doing each day. It was a win/win for everyone!
We are heading into this week of chemo with a little more knowledge of what to expect but this can be both a good and a bad thing. We know what is coming in the next few days but some of those things are not great. Rob had manageable side effects last round but he definitely wasn't himself for a few days. It will be a tougher week for sure but we will take it day by day. We know that by the end of the week he will be through the worst and will only have one more round left. Treatment day is on Tuesday and then he will have hydration on Wednesday and Thursday and help his kidneys flush the extra,
Back in September one of my girls that I mentored at my old church sent me an email to encourage me. It came at the perfect time and I cherish the words she wrote. She also shared 2 verses with me and I have read them many times since then. One of them was Zephaniah 3:17 which says, "For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty Savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With His love, He will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful song." What a reassurance it is for us that God cares enough about our family that he takes away all the fears we have with his love. He loves us so much that he gave his Son to die on the cross and take away our sins. This is the reason we can face each day with a joyful heart and even through tough times we have hope.
Love Karen
Sunday, 2 November 2014
10 down!
I can hardly believe it was over a week ago that I wrote the last blog post but I am happy to say that Rob has 10 treatments of radiation done already and has 23 left to go. We find having a countdown going helps to make it all feel more doable. After Mondays treatment he will be 1/3 of the way done!! So far things are going pretty well and Rob is still able to do many things. Rob is starting to feel soreness in his mouth and spends a lot of time taking care of his mouth. That being said he does not have severe pain or sores in his mouth like they said he might by this time. Rob and I were talking the other night about how he is feeling and what the doctors and nurses have told us he might be feeling (they give you worst case scenarios) and we are convinced that because of the army of people praying, he is not feeling the terrible side effects. We know that you are all praying that the treatments get rid of the cancer and that Rob does not have awful side effects and so far they are manageable. We are so grateful to have so many people praying for Rob and ask that you continue to pray.
On November 11th Rob will have his second round of chemo. He was able to get through the first one by sleeping a lot and making sure he took all of his anti nausea pills. He was taking 4 different pills to keep the nausea away and for the most part they did their job. We will go into the second round with a little more knowledge of what to expect and praying that the side effects are no worse then the first time.
Rob has to be very careful not to lose weight while he is getting treatment and during recovery. For the most part (except for a few days around chemo) he has a very good appetite. This is partially to do with his body rapidly trying to build new healthy cells and also because he is taking some medicine that has a steroid in it. Right now he is able to eat soft food and cut it up but if it is too tough he purees it. He also has lots of shakes and smoothies packed with protein. Over the next few weeks as the radiation adds up he may have a tougher time but we continue to pray that he has minimum side effects and can continue to eat they was he is now.
I saw my family doctor last Thursday and will be heading back to work starting Monday on light duties. I am healing well, however if I push it too much I could cause some problems which would be a big setback. I am still not allowed to lift anything heavier then 10 lbs and I can't push or pull anything over 100 lbs. This is a big deal when you work at a nursing home and push wheelchairs all day. Even pushing a half full shopping cart hurt my stomach a little. I am able to know very quickly if something is too much for me and will be able to do modified duties at work. In 2 1/2 weeks I will go back and see my doctor and hopefully will get the ok to resume my normal job and life.
We get asked often "how are you doing?" and it is a hard question to answer. We have moments when things feel totally fine and we have other moments that we feel completely overwhelmed and that we can not handle it. That being said we are not in the depths of despair but instead we go forward each moment in faith. Would we change our situation if you could?...yes of course. However we don't have that choice so we continue to walk forward one small step at a time knowing that God is walking right beside us and will not leave us. That doesn't mean that life will be easy but it means we are not alone. God continues to use many things and people to encourage us and remind us of this. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Love Karen
On November 11th Rob will have his second round of chemo. He was able to get through the first one by sleeping a lot and making sure he took all of his anti nausea pills. He was taking 4 different pills to keep the nausea away and for the most part they did their job. We will go into the second round with a little more knowledge of what to expect and praying that the side effects are no worse then the first time.
Rob has to be very careful not to lose weight while he is getting treatment and during recovery. For the most part (except for a few days around chemo) he has a very good appetite. This is partially to do with his body rapidly trying to build new healthy cells and also because he is taking some medicine that has a steroid in it. Right now he is able to eat soft food and cut it up but if it is too tough he purees it. He also has lots of shakes and smoothies packed with protein. Over the next few weeks as the radiation adds up he may have a tougher time but we continue to pray that he has minimum side effects and can continue to eat they was he is now.
I saw my family doctor last Thursday and will be heading back to work starting Monday on light duties. I am healing well, however if I push it too much I could cause some problems which would be a big setback. I am still not allowed to lift anything heavier then 10 lbs and I can't push or pull anything over 100 lbs. This is a big deal when you work at a nursing home and push wheelchairs all day. Even pushing a half full shopping cart hurt my stomach a little. I am able to know very quickly if something is too much for me and will be able to do modified duties at work. In 2 1/2 weeks I will go back and see my doctor and hopefully will get the ok to resume my normal job and life.
We get asked often "how are you doing?" and it is a hard question to answer. We have moments when things feel totally fine and we have other moments that we feel completely overwhelmed and that we can not handle it. That being said we are not in the depths of despair but instead we go forward each moment in faith. Would we change our situation if you could?...yes of course. However we don't have that choice so we continue to walk forward one small step at a time knowing that God is walking right beside us and will not leave us. That doesn't mean that life will be easy but it means we are not alone. God continues to use many things and people to encourage us and remind us of this. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Love Karen
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