It is hard for me to believe that we are nearing the end of November. We started this month knowing that the whole month would include almost daily treatments and hours spent at Cancer Care. I am happy to report that we are into the single digits for radiation and one round of chemo left. Isaac very happily erased number 10 (which is his favourite number!) from the countdown today. Only 9 left!!! Since radiation is cumulative it means that the end is the hardest but it is so good to be getting close to the end of his treatment.
Last week was very busy and is the reason I haven't done an update in awhile. The week of chemo means many more appointments and time at the hospital. Plus I was working last week so scheduling was complicated and very busy. We are very happy to have round 2 of chemo done. It was a tougher round I would say. Rob had very little appetite and was very tired for about 5 days. It wasn`t until Monday that he was really starting to feel like himself again. Not only is the chemo and anti nausea drugs hard on your physical body, it also affects your mind and your thoughts. It is often called ``chemo brain`` and I can attest to the fact it exists. It is almost like Rob gets a fog in his brain and he isn`t able to make simple decisions and can even have thoughts that he normally would not have. I know it is tough on Rob to feel this way and it is also hard for Isaac and I and we are glad when Rob gets out of the fog. He has one more round the first week of December and it will likely be the toughest however it is the last one and we will celebrate that.
The side effects of radiation are building up and Rob is seeing a lot of change in his mouth and neck. The skin on his neck looks like it has a sun burn but he is keeping it moisturized with special lotion and it is helping it from being painful and breaking down. The inside of his mouth is getting very sore and bleeds. It takes Rob a lot of time after he eats anything to clean his mouth. He also wakes up in the night and had to clear the phlegm. This is all normal for treatment but it is not fun at all especially since he doesn't have a normal working tongue. That all being said the pain is manageable and Rob is not taking any pain meds at this time. We know that the last 9 treatments will be tough and he will feel the effects for a few weeks after but if it gets rid of the cancer it is all worth it.
Today we asked some questions about what happens after treatment. We were told that about 6 weeks after everything is done he will have either a CT scan or an MRI and that will be used as the base line. He will be followed very carefully and regularly and the first year is the most critical. If something were to come back it would likely grow very quickly and they would know within the first year. We continue to ask for God to heal Rob completely and that the cancer would be gone from his body and never come back.
Rob will also have a long recovery from the surgeries and reconstruction he has had. We are not sure what it will look like exactly but a lot needs to happen before he is able to return to work. The main thing being his speech. At this point the focus has been on the radiation and chemo so we will wait and see what is next.
Many have been asking how I am healing up from my surgery and I am happy to say things are good. I have been on light duties at work for 3 weeks to make sure I didn`t damage anything internally before it was healed. Next week I will go back to my regular duties at work and I am sure that as long as I ease into it, I will be good. Now that I don`t have an appendix at least I never have to worry about lower right abdominal pain again!!!
This weekend my friend Amy from Calgary and her baby Stella, as well as my friend Shelly from Peterborough are coming for a few days. They are coming to distract us and help us out around the house. I can not wait to see them and look forward to some good times with old friends. I am sure Rob will need some quiet time after they leave but he will enjoy their company too.
Today at my doctors office the receptionist made a comment to me about how amazing she thinks we are and that we are so young but dealing with everything so well. I was able to tell her that we believe in a God who heals and we have amazing support and that is why we can face this and still smile. Thank you for all the support, love and prayers.
Love Karen
You guys are an awesome example of faith in God's love for you. Praying for complete healing and for strength and comfort for the coming weeks. Hugs from the Sattesons