Sunday, 23 November 2014

Find A Need and Fill It

This is Amy Koslowski, I like to believe I'm Karen's best friend, but I know there are a few of us that hold that title.  I'm from Calgary and am currently in Winnipeg with the Scott's for a visit.  I'm thrilled to be here with my friend.  Our friend Shelly is here as well and I must admit, I've spent a lot of time laughing with my legs crossed!  When we used to hang out in high school, we could laugh without the fear of tears dripping down our legs!  Laughter is so healing when life is difficult.

When planning my trip to Winnipeg I wanted to find a cheap flight.  I also wanted to have as much time with Karen and Rob as possible.  I have a 4 year old daughter and an 8 month old.  I couldn't be gone for too long as my 4 year old was going to be staying in Calgary.  I chose a flight that arrived in Winnipeg at 8am on Saturday morning.  It seemed like a great idea at the time, it gave me the entire day here and the flight was cheaper.  I failed to process the reality of getting up at 3am and dragging an 8 month old out of bed to catch my flight.

Yesterday at 3am I rolled out of bed feeling like a crazy woman.  I dragged an exhausted baby into a waiting cab and arrived at the airport.  Just after 4am I was sitting at my gate, waiting to board my flight.  I had Stella on my lap when two women came and sat next to me.  The dreaded question came, "is she your first?"  This is a difficult question for me, she's actually my third.  I chose to answer her question and hoped she wouldn't push the issue.  Then it came, "how old are your other two?"  There's no way around it, my oldest is 4 and my middle daughter is already in Heaven.  My beautiful Hope Taylor will never experience more than her 1st birthday on earth.  I always smile while explaining, trying to keep people from feeling bad about asking.  I do love to talk about her and it doesn't offend me.  It's more the awkwardness of feeling their tension and the regret I feel they have for talking to me. 

When the moment passed, she asked why I was headed to Winnipeg.  I explained that I was coming to visit my best friend as her husband was going through chemo.  I told her that myself and another friend were coming to do some cooking, make her smile and try to help out around the house.  As I walked onto the plane, I kept thinking, "why did I tell her so much about my life?"  I felt awkward about being an 'over-sharer'.

I sat on the plane waiting for everyone to board and the woman I had been chatting with popped into the seat beside me.  She said, "I know this will sound weird, but my husband and I have been praying about some money we want to do something with.  After talking to you, I'd really like to give it to your friend."  I smiled and explained that it didn't sound weird at all, I told her that I was a Christian and I thought that her gift would be a great blessing to my friends.  I gave her my phone number and email address and she got up to find her own seat.  She never told me how much they wanted to give and I never asked.

I shared this story with Karen when I arrived and she was touched to hear about a stranger that would take the time to care.  Then the whirlwind of all the things we wanted to accomplish began and I didn't think much of it.  As I was doing things in the kitchen, I noticed Karen was washing almost everything in the sink.  She explained that their old dishwasher wasn't working very well anymore and they needed a new one, but couldn't afford it.  In my naturally sarcastic and slightly cocky way, I joked that I would find a way to solve her problem. 

This morning in church the sermon was about service.  The speaker specifically said that we need to find a need and fill it.  I enjoy serving others and began thinking of needs that I could fill.  Then later this evening as we sat watching a tv show, my cell phone pinged as an email arrived.  I opened the email and found a message from the stranger in the airport.  I just looked up and smiled at my friends.  They asked me what was going on and in great delight, I was able to tell them that it was time to go shopping.  Tomorrow we're going to go out and replace that old dishwasher for Karen and Rob.  The amazing thing is, the people who paid for the dishwasher will likely never meet Karen or Rob and have no idea how amazing this gift is. 

Sanitizing dishes and keeping things clean is really important when someone is going through chemo.  This dishwasher is about more than convenience for the Scott's and being able to see this need met, before the need was truly voiced, has been amazing. 

Our God is amazing and I am reminded once again of what a great and mighty God we serve.  I feel so blessed to have been a part of God's plan.  Thank you Calgary stranger, you were worth getting up at 3am for.  She may never read this and know what she's done, but she has blessed not only this family, but those that will hear the story as well. 

This morning as I got ready, I kept thinking about how positive the Scott's have chosen to be.  I am so blessed to call them friends.  God never promised that life would be easy and full of good times.  He does promise to give us strength each day and to love us unconditionally.  His love is enough.  Seeing my friends walk through a journey that is not easy, that carries a great deal of unknowns and one that doesn't seem fair...I am reminded again that God is enough.  That is their foundation and the source of their joy.  I will leave encouraged on Tuesday.

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