This week was a quieter week for appointments. Rob had radiation every day and is getting the hang of going to Cancer Care each day. He has now completed 15 out of 33 radiation treatments!! Each week on the weekend we have a look at how the upcoming week looks and plan out who is driving, when I am working and where Isaac will be. As you can imagine this is sometimes quite complicated but with help from family and friends we are managing well.
Rob had a follow up with Dr Butler, Radiation Oncologist, and Dr Sharma, Medical Oncologist this week. Both are pleased with how Rob is doing so far and his blood work from having chemo seems to be going back to normal and he will be able to have his second round. They both looked in his mouth and are really starting to notice changes but say they are normal and have lots of pointers to help out. Rob had his weekly appointment with the Dietician, Gina and she was thrilled because Rob gained weight this past week!! After chemo last round he didn't eat much for a few days and lost some weight so over the past 2 weeks he has been trying to gain it back and had success! Even with a sore mouth and not always wanting to eat it is very important to keep his nutrition up and stay hydrated because that will help his body recover from the drugs he is being given.
This week we decided to bring Isaac along with us one day when there were some shorter appointments. We didn't bring him because we couldn't find someone to look after him but because we thought it would be good for him to see where Rob comes each day. He did awesome and the doctors and other staff were so welcoming to him. That is one of the great things about Cancer Care...they care about the patient but also about the support team around them. Isaac is a huge support to Rob and the staff would know this. I am sure based on his time there that Isaac will gladly come back again plus now he knows what Daddy is busy doing each day. It was a win/win for everyone!
We are heading into this week of chemo with a little more knowledge of what to expect but this can be both a good and a bad thing. We know what is coming in the next few days but some of those things are not great. Rob had manageable side effects last round but he definitely wasn't himself for a few days. It will be a tougher week for sure but we will take it day by day. We know that by the end of the week he will be through the worst and will only have one more round left. Treatment day is on Tuesday and then he will have hydration on Wednesday and Thursday and help his kidneys flush the extra,
Back in September one of my girls that I mentored at my old church sent me an email to encourage me. It came at the perfect time and I cherish the words she wrote. She also shared 2 verses with me and I have read them many times since then. One of them was Zephaniah 3:17 which says, "For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty Savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With His love, He will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful song." What a reassurance it is for us that God cares enough about our family that he takes away all the fears we have with his love. He loves us so much that he gave his Son to die on the cross and take away our sins. This is the reason we can face each day with a joyful heart and even through tough times we have hope.
Love Karen
Thank you for keeping us posted, Karen! I am thinking of you, Isaac, and of course, Rob. Give him a hug from Josh & I, and then know that we are hugging you as well!